首先,让我们一起科普下什么是ZigBee协议?ZigBee协议由ZigBee Alliance制定,从1998年开始发展,于2001年向电机电子工程师学会(IEEE)提案纳入IEEE 802.15.4标准规范之中,自此将ZigBee技术渐渐成为各业界共同通用的低速短距无线通讯技术之一。
2014年,国际ZigBee联盟主席&CEO Tobin J.M. Richardson向全球400多个联盟成员发出通告,对一家中国公司“南京物联”假借ZigBee联盟名义和对外公然宣称“产品经过ZigBee认证”进行虚假恶意宣传进行全球通报。一封邮件,让平静已久的智能家居市场陷入了口水纷争。
据当时消息爆料,Tobin在通报邮件中说,“南京物联”(Wulian)严重违反了 ZigBee 联盟的知识产权,对ZigBee联盟旗下的成员公司造成了非常大的不公平。其中的中文翻译如下图:
A Chinese company named "Wulian" (also operating under the name "Nanjing IoT") has been misrepresenting itself as the ZigBee Alliance in China and other areas, despite the fact that they have no present affiliation with the ZigBee Alliance. Moreover, Wulian has been inaccurately and intentionally mis-advertising its products as "ZigBee Certified," which they are not.
The ZigBee Alliance takes these transgressions very seriously and is taking active steps to resolve this issue. Promoting and protecting the interests of the stakeholder members of the ZigBee Alliance is of utmost importance. This news bulletin serves to notify you of this situation and to inform you of the actions being taken to rectify it.
The ZigBee Alliance (an IRS 501(c)(3) corporation registered in California, USA) remains the sole global developer and owner of the unique "ZigBee" standards and the ZigBee Certification program for wireless device-to-device communication based on IEEE 802.15.4. Any other entity making these claims, such as Wulian, is improper and in violation of the ZigBee Alliance’s intellectual property rights, as it seeks to unfairly capitalize on the work and investment of the hundreds of legitimate ZigBee Alliance member companies who rely on fair and open markets for free trade.
While we have attempted in good faith to amicably correct this situation directly with Wulian, they refuse to comply. Subsequently, the ZigBee Alliance has taken steps to address these issues, including contacting appropriate U.S. and other country trade representatives, filing objections to Wulian's use of the ZigBee trademark and name, and contacting the Chinese Trademark Office (CTMO). We will request and expect a fair hearing through the regular and official avenues of the Chinese government.
While the actions of this one rogue player are of serious concern, we remain excited and confident about the opportunity ahead for ZigBee Alliance stakeholders as we enable the vast benefits of the Internet of Things.
The ZigBee Alliance will provide you with additional information and updates as necessary. In the meantime, we encourage you to visit thewww.ZigBee.org website where you can consult our member listing to ensure that you are dealing with legitimate ZigBee Alliance member companies who bring to market true ZigBee Certified products. We welcome interested companies to join the hundreds of ZigBee Alliance member companies who are realizing the Internet of Things today.

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